Welcome To Amdi Driving School

New Driving Test Implementations

The new test will be tackling faster roads and use less nursery routes. The pass rate during the trial period when the DVSA were testing the new style test was 52% which was slightly higher than the existing/current test which is around 49-50%.

  • 4 out of 5 tests will be asked to follow Sat Nav
  • 1 out of 5 test will still be asked to follow road signs
Sat Nav important points:

If the Sat Nav direction is late or slightly misleading, examiners will intervene with extra guidance to assist. This was a concern for many ADIs which was cleared up by Faisal Iqbal.

The position of the Sat Nav will be as central as possible on dashboard and the examiner should always consult the test candidate if they are happy with the position. If the sat nav can’t fit on the window then it can be rested on bean bag mat designed to hold Sat Navs.

  • Speed will be present on sat nav during test
  • Even if the instructor has a like for like sat nav, the examiner will use their own as it has pre-recorded routes on there for the independent drive.
  • The sat nav screen will remain on throughout the driving even before and after the sat nav phase.
  • If the test candidate prefers the device on the right side at the beginning of the test. The examiner will ask the candidate to stop the car, then get out of car and start the sat nav. Then get back in car to commence the independent/sat nav part of the driving test.
  • Sat nav will only be set when the car is stationary
  • The volume will be set at 75-80% in the Serena accent
  • The test candidate/pupil can ask to turn volume higher/lower or even turn the volume off at beginning of test.
  • If GPS stops working – the examiner will assist with direction straight away.
  • The examiner will carry a juice pack, in the unlikely event the battery runs out on the sat nav. The examiner will not try to plug the sat nav into the car even if the battery is low.
  • If a test candidate has any disabilities then it’s worth calling the test centre in advance and advise manager/examiner of learners difficulties.

The examiner may ask the test candidate during the sat nav/independent part of the driving test to do a maneouver exercise.

Hill starts/angle starts may happen during the Sat Nav/independent driving section too.

How to store routes on the Tom Tom Start 52

Drive on a particular route, then use the record afterwards, store it on the SD Card.

Pulling up on the Right

This will only happen on 40mph roads or less, most likely 30mph.

For those becoming a driving instructor doing their Part 2 test:

  • 2 out of the 4 learner manoeuvres will be tested
  • The pulling up on the right manoeuvre may be tested on faster roads of 40 mph.
Instructions that will be used by the examiner

Step One: “Pull up on the right when it is safe to do so, please.”

Step Two: “I’d now like you to reverse back 2 car lengths, keeping reasonably close to the kerb.”

Step Three: “When it’s safe, please drive away again and join the flowing traffic.”

This manoeuvre will be marked as right reverse on the marking sheet.

Be aware: The highway code states to try and avoid the manoeuvre when visibility is poor. In this instance – poor lighting/fog test wouldn’t go ahead anyway.
For ADIs teaching in poor weather conditions, think twice before practicing the manoeuvre. I.e. in the dark, you should use side lights when reversing backwards on the right side of road.

See the video  CLICK HERE

Reverse parking in a Bay

This manoeuvre will only be tested at the Driving Test Centre. Where the test centre does not have a car park, it will not be tested.

Driving in forwards and reversing out of a Bay

This will be done at any car park within the test route areas, but not at the test centre.

The pupil can choose to park left or right side of car park. Doesn’t have to be in between 2 cars.

An example of an instruction the examiner may use is, “I would like you to drive forwards into a car parking space of your choice.”

Can the pupil take a shunt and, if they can, how many?

The answer is yes. The examiner will use their discretion as to how many shunts becomes too much to the point that it is affecting other road users or it is obvious the learner can’t complete the manoeuvre. Typically 1 or 2 shunts is acceptable anything over 3 shunts is demonstrating incompetence to complete the manoeuvre.

This manoeuvre will be marked under section 8 – forward park on the test report form.

Show me tell me questions

The examiner can give a serious fault on show me questions on the move.
For example if the test candidate loses control whilst trying to fulfill a show me question. If the test candidate is trying to operate the windscreen wipers for example and then they put the full beam lights on for a long period of time or put a misleading signal that affects other traffic significantly.

  • If pupil doesn’t understand then the examiner will pull them up and explain question again.
  • If pupil doesn’t know – examiner will tell them and driver fault will be given.
  • When the examiner asks the test candidate to perform a show me question, they will always say in advance, “When it’s safe to do so…”

The tell me questions will always be asked at the beginning of the test before leaving the test centre.

Did you know?

The test slots are 57 minutes in duration. This is the amount of time allocated to the examiner to complete the driving test and fill out any necessary paper work before commencing their next test.

The amount of test routes vary on each test centre. Smaller towns will usually have less routes than bigger cities.

Find out the New Driving test Test Routs Whole Around UK Click Here